City = BAD

It’s a BAD idea to allow the City of Clearlake to take over your water service.

Delivering safe, reliable water is too important to hand over to The City of Clearlake with zero water management experience and a BAD track record on providing basic services like community safety, crime and road maintenance.

Clearlake's BAD Crime and Community Safety Rates

Clearlake crime rates are 150% to 250% above the national average for violent crimes like rape, robbery and assault. (Sources: which used 2022 data released by FBI in October 2023,

Clearlake’s BAD Road Conditions

Bad Clearlake Road

In 2015, the City of Clearlake hired Nichols Consulting Engineers to do a pavement management study for the city. The study found the city's payment condition was well below a failing "F" grade and the lowest condition for any city the company had evaluated.

(Source: Lake County News 10/20/2016)

Bad Clearlake Road

30% of Clearlake Roads are considered “very poor” or “failed.” And the rest aren’t doing much better. According to Clearlake City Manager Flora, Clearlake has 12 miles of public roads and 33 miles of private road and only 56% of all roads are paved with 44% being gravel or otherwise unpaved roads.

(Source: Record Bee quoting Clearlake City Manager Alan Flora)

Safe, Reliable Drinking Water is Vital for Our Future

You can expect contact by the City of Clearlake by mail, phone and a knock at the door to ask you to sign a proxy vote supporting the City of Clearlake takeover of your local water company. Don’t gamble with water quality. Why would you want to trust them with your water? The City of Clearlake has zero years’ experience in water management or delivering safe, clean drinking water. Imagine how BAD the City would handle water services after reading the facts about the City’s BAD track record on public safety, crime, road safety and road maintenance.

Support Highlands Water Company with over 99 years of experience delivering safe, clean and reliable water service. Only sign a proxy vote that has the Highlands’ logo at the top of the paper.

Want to volunteer to help? Please email or call Jamey Blood at 707- 344-2448.

Vote for Highlands by Proxy Today